Thursday, October 16, 2008

What would you do if you were not afraid to fail?

What would you do?

The fear of failure is something that is not fun to live with. Often times, it stems from something an individual feels lacking. At least for me it does. Considering that I am now a postdoc, being afraid to fail is quite comical. I mean, just getting through graduate school, if one is successful 10% of the time, one is indeed a badass. It does not get much better as a postdoc, except, you now have a lot more experience so you do not "fail" as much. You still screw up, but you have a lot more victories.

But I am not talking about successes and failures on the benchtop; I am talking about life. How many times during the course of a year, do you have a chance to go after something you really want, to after it with everything you have in you, to feel like you did everything in your power to do your best?

Once? Twice? Thrice? I dunno. But I have one of those opportunities tomorrow.

For as much as I love football, I am not an athlete; I don't get to suit up and play ball on Saturdays for my alma mater. For me, to suit up consists of wearing a pressed shirt, sharp suit, and spiffy tie. Basically, I get a chance to be like Barney Stinson tomorrow and suit up.

So in my mind, it has been like my gameday. I have prepared as thoroughly as I can. I have looked over my presentation numerous times, just as a coach goes through his game plans. I have already traced my route for Friday morning, much like pre-planning the first 10-15 plays of a game.

What more do I need to do? Oh yes, a banana and granola bar to eat at 2 opportune times throughout the day - it is like my gatorade. My aftershave balm is similar to whatever that black stuff football players under their eyes to reduce the glare of the sun. Actually, I guess that is more like my sunglasses! HAAR.

So, if I am prepared, why am I so worried about failing? I guess it is because there is a lot on the line. This opportunity is exactly what I have been looking for since ~ Feb. 2008,when I re-started my job hunt. I realized what was really important and what I enjoyed doing. I guess I just don't want to experience what the alternative to success is regarding this juncture.

I guess there is really nothing else for me to do, except go to the gym tonight (TCU vs. BYU, should be a good game), eat a nice dinner (mmmmm... burrito?), play a video game to rest up, and sleep well.

Let me end with a quote from Richard Nixon's resignation speech, which I have really liked throughout my life. I will address this topic one day, why Nixon is one of the best presidents we have ever had.

"Sometimes I have succeeded and sometimes I have failed, but always I have taken heart from what Theodore Roosevelt once said about the man in the arena, 'whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, [...]'"

It is this opportunity tomorrow, to be the "man in the arena" that makes me anxious, nervous, sharp, and festive all at the same time. I look forward to the challenges of tomorrow.


P.S. A blog post about failures would not be complete without mention of Oklahoma and their punk punter's fake of a roughing penalty. It was quite hilarious to watch live. It did not matter, OU sucks, and they lost. They're a good team, though, and so like the cockroaches they are, they will be back. This is a sign from El Arroyo in Austin, TX, which is a favorite place to eat for out of towners who are craving Tex-Mex. Personally, I like Trudy's better, but El Arroyo gets props for the signage.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Best Oklahoma Joke Ever

There is not much else to say; an image is worth 1,000 words. What a joke. F' ou, Hook 'em Horns. Let's beat the hell out of ou.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

HAAR: OU Sucks,ii - a single, great quote

"Will Rogers never met Barry Switzer." -- Texas Head Coach Darrell K. Royal, referring to Will Rogers' famous saying that he never met a man he didn't like. What isn't as well known is that Rogers was originally referring to Leo Trotsky. Intentionally or not, then, DKR was saying that Switzer was worse than Trotsky: double zing!

Monday, October 6, 2008

I am hate incarnate.

It is 12:03PM on Monday, October 6, 2008 ......

..... and OU sucks. Still. I hate the University of Oklahoma, and I hope to God Texas lays waste to your team and fandom. To all of those toothless, slack-jawed yokels who think it is great their mascot is named after land thieves and cheaters, I hate every single one of you.

You are not human beings, you are some lesser form of life as far as I am concerned and nothing would make me happier than seeing a hole open up and swallow Norman, OK. It is quite possible since Oklahoma sucks.

Interestingly enough, the Red River has been steadily moving north. It is not a result of global climate change, but rather, OU sucks so hard that it is actually re-routing the course of the river.

I hate the University of Oklahoma with a passion. The only time I have ever been spit on in my life was because I was wearing burnt orange, God's color for the sunset, after a game. A drunk sooner did not seem to agree with it and proceeded to spit on me. The results were not optimal for either side.

Interestingly enough, in Bill Maher's new movie Religulous, Maher asks a question: "Well if God is all powerful, why doesn't he destroy Satan?"

I have the answer. Oklahoma, like Satan, cheats, and spits on people when drunk.

As I said earlier, OU sucks. And I swear I will verbally knock (ie. verbally spew hate-filled invective) a person on his/her tailend if I see them wearing sooner garb this week. I hate OU. I would just as soon as punch them in the face, but quite frankly, a sooner is not worth the assault & battery charge on my record, especially since I am sitting here writing it in my blog which would probably be used against me in a court of law.


I still hate OU.

Also, why are they called OU when they are the University of Oklahoma? What sort of reject university are they? F' 'em, OU Sucks.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I want my Emmy

Tonight, I hope to witness a diaster. A disaster of epic proportions - Sarah Palin opening her mouth. That's unintentional comedy in its finest form.

Heh, that Palin she is an unintentionally funny woman. But how about some comedy from genuinely funny people? This clip aired on Conan O'Brien's late night show on Sept. 30, 2008. It is an interview with Julia Louis-Dreyfus detailing her experiences at the Emmy Awards this year and her loss to Tina Fey.

Here is the link, enjoy!